YLA recognizes the importance of a well-rounded curriculum that is age appropriate and taps into childrens' interests. We use our monthly themes as a focal point from which our teachers develop hands-on curriculum where children learn through a mix of child-directed activities and teacher-led activities.  We love our focus calendars because they also allow parents to see what we are learning each month and to help reinforce the daily lessons at home.

We incorporate the following programs into our curriculum:

Zoo-phonics is a Multisensory Language Arts Program that takes a cross-functional approach to learning all aspects of language arts, including vocabulary development and articulation, based on phonics and phonemic awareness.

Handwriting Without Tears was developed by an occupational therapist and is designed to develop not just a child's handwriting skills, but also their fine motor and visual skills through fun and interactive activities.

Two-Year-Olds Program

Our two-year-olds program is a fun introduction to early education. We incorporate all of our YLA curriculum into this class and take steps to introduce our youngest students to routines, transitions, and developmentally appropriate educational activities. We believe the preschool journey should start here!

Three-Year-Olds Program

Our three-year-olds program offers students an opportunity to experience a true preschool classroom routine, preparing them for the pre-kindergarten classes. In this program we introduce a wider range of letter recognition activities, and expand our pre-writing skills, math skills, and science concepts. The daily schedule provides a “free choice” and “table activity” time that provides many opportunities for students to practice decision-making and self-help skills in a supportive setting.

Pre-Kindergarten Program

Our Pre-Kindergarten program is a balance of teacher-directed and student-directed activities. We have designed this program to meet the needs of diverse learners while fostering the joy of learning for each student through our academically focused curriculum. The Pre-Kindergarten program also provides parents with flexible schedule options and you do not need to commit to a full-time schedule like our Pre-K Prep class.

Pre-K Prep Program

Must be a full time student to participate (either half-days or full-days, 5 days a week)

Our Pre-K Prep program offers an opportunity for students to fully experience a true transitional period into kindergarten. This program may be perfect for a student who missed the district cut-off for transitional kindergarten or for the student that needs or excels in a more consistent routine than that of our flexible Pre-Kindergarten program. We focus on school readiness by introducing children to specific academic subjects through teacher instruction which include: phonics, blending, de-coding, sight words, writing and story comprehension, math and science concepts, and various enrichment activities to instill a love for learning.